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I dunno wad shld I write seh....


AMB concert~

AMB concert so fun!! xD especially with the Japanese people~ :D wah,,the tuba and trombone guy all very handsome eih~~~ haha,anyway,next year we going Japan bah,so can we meet Funari/?? :D  Yoshie~ Kenji~ haha,LOL its like they all so friendly so nice so cute so kind~ haha.. wah,our school damn stingy loh,the gift given soooo little,only highlighter and some sort of sticker.... but Japanese gave us A lot of things leh,one or two is whole band also have de.. I feel so bad eih... :P but Yoshie is taking exam for college next year,so may not be hosting us... T.T  I seriously learn a lot from them,Japanese language and music skills~ :) Funari~ we love u!!! xD haha, see u next year!!! ;D


About sec sch

I know i said wont write anymore...but i still want to write!! haha! LOL

I joined AMB and have a LLLOOOTTT of fun!! hahaha ( please exclude the drills part... :D)  I realise band can be so fun too! I know a lloott of GGGOOOODDDD seniors too~ now is having sort of exchange with the Funari Band from Hiroshima,I gonna to learn Japanese from themmmm!!! xD